It’s no longer what you know but what you do with your passions that counts

Lights On! Love learning. Love life.

Glimpse into the transformative power of Lights On® Learning

Meet the Jansens

From failing in school and rock bottom mental health to award winning entrepreneur in just nine months

Lisa came to us feeling desperate. Her 12 year old son, James, was failing at school and his mental health was rock bottom. He hated school but wanted to learn.

’It felt like I was in prison. I didn’t feel I was going to get any of my goals. Now it feels like I can get to where I want to be.’

‘James grew bored of school at a very early age. In Year One he couldn’t see the point of earning a silly sticker.’ -Lisa

We guided Lisa to become an inspired leader and shift everything for her son, in a very short space of time.

James was a natural entrepreneur. Lisa brought his heart into the equation and he immediately became hungry to learn. 

In just 9 months he had run a social enterprise project, appeared on local and national media, raised over £1K for his local children's hospital and become an award-winning, celebrity-endorsed young entrepreneur. That’s activated potential for you! 

From fearful to unstoppable writer in four months.

Nicky‘s six year old daughter became scared and anxious to go to school. Turns out she thought she was ‘rubbish at writing’.

From failing in school for nine years to his best school report ever in less than six months.

From underperforming and bored to inspired and intrinsically motivated in just eight hours

From underperforming and bored to inspired and intrinsically motivated in just eight hours

From intern to CEO of a seven figure business in seven years

Matt joined our team as an intern aged 17, Julia immediately saw the potential for brilliance in him. Matt wasn’t even scratching the surface of his potential, having been bored at school.

Under Julia’s mentorship he learnt to apply his skateboard mindset to learning and quickly became Julia’s righthand man. She persuaded him to opt out of university with the promise of a far greater education that he’d get paid for!

‘I thought of Matt as my business son! He was so hungry to learn, prepared to fail and keep getting back up. It was exciting and meant there were absolutely no limits for him. As he’s proving in his own entrepreneurial venture.’

Julia Black

He left Lights On®, age 24, to set up his own business and grew it to a seven figure business within three years.

Your very next step

Discover more about how Lights On Learning.